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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Grizzly Bear - Yet Again

With new album Shields due out on 17 September, it's time to check out the new one from Brooklyn-based hipster-magnets Grizzly Bear.  For those of you familiar with Grizzly Bear's music, you'll probably notice that the first half of this song is considerably less complex (and therefore 'poppier') than the concophony of sounds that they usually pump into their songs.  If that disappoints you, (for me, it doesn't!) wait for the last minute to kick in and you'll see they haven't lost the art of throwing a microphone up against a room full of instruments.

For me, this song is probably more accessible than the songs served up on their last album Veckatimest.  It'll be interesting to see if that's indicative of the album more generally.  That drum beat (a clever mix of accoustic and electric drums) is pretty darn catchy.  And the growling threat of distortion on the heavily reverbed guitar riff is honeycomb for the ears.  Love it.

But hey, that's just... like... my opinion, man.  What do you think?


...HEY! Participate damn you!

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