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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bearded Mayhem

Friday night was spent in with Eric. We had some time to kill before going to see Justice, a Dj group from France, and somehow we found ourselves making this.

Friday night + Camera + too much law = this from james on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

how do we watch the video?

James Pender said...

You should be able to click the play button in the bottom right hand corner.

Either that or click on the link "friday night + Camera + too much law = this

Anonymous said...

doesn't seem to work...

James Pender said...

Dad, is that you? Um. Maybe our computer doesn't have flash...which is a computer program... I'll sned it to you via email... Not oscar winning stuff, don't worry.

Anyone else having problems?

Anonymous said...

It says that it is private... how to unlock it?

James Pender said...

Sorry guys,

Should be public now.

Andrew said...

Jimmy, hair issues, and Bonobo in the background! Does it get any better than this...

Anonymous said...

:) neat! glad you shaved it :P