The height of the Montréalean winter sees a two week festival take place in Montréal's picturesque Old Port, primarily comprising a huge dance party outside in the cold. Everyone puts on a coat, some boots, some gloves, and boogies themselves into oblivion in what could be some sort of ancient ritual of thanks to the gods of winter. It really is anything goes, including prizes for the craziest one piece ski suit. For me it typified the feeling they I have gotten from the youth of Montréal: energy, a freedom from the weight of tradition, and a near reckless pursuit of avant garde style. To get an idea of what Igloofest is and was, check out the video below. Notice the girl who says: "C'est le genre de soirée où tu dis, 'c'est ca Montréal, à -40C ou +40C, qu'on danse dehors'."/It's the type of night that screams, 'This is what Montréal is all about. Whether -40C or +40C, we're dancing outside'."
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