En tant que designer, mon colloc Eric ne pouvait pas lasser passer cette chance de créer une invitation spéciale pour notre fête. Voila le resultat.

The plan is to start the afternoon in the park next to our place, play some football, boccé, maybe even the odd egg tossing competition (a game I learnt at the many Scottish Highland Games I went to at Bundanoon as a kid). After we're all sufficiently sported out, it'll be back to the apartment for an Aussie-style BBQ and a couple of beerios.
Eric and I are even threatening to play a couple of songs. Should be a fun night.
:) Aussie bbq! loved those when i was in oz.. so "convivial"and relaxed.. :D
Have fun!
« Eric and I are even threatening to play a couple of songs. Should be a fun night. »
C'est sérieux?!?
J'ai hâte de voir ça!
Ben... on voulais essayer quoi.
Mate, Big Jack has big carked it. Wonder what the 12th man will make of that...
haha... saw that.
Big Jack has hit me and I've gone crashing to the deck... aw.... geeeez.
Thanks to everyone who came to our Partay... It was lots of fun. Congratulations especially to Francis for winning the "best dressed costume made only out of tin foil and popsicle sticks". The aluminium undies will be on the streets of Paris very soon I'm sure.
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